Looking to get more connected with Michigan’s Greater Lansing community? 517 Living was created for YOU. Check out this list of 517 Living’s most popular resources for local businesses, residents, and visitors.
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The 517 Living Story
It was 2014 and I (Sarah Pierce) was feeling a little lost. I had been living in Michigan's Greater Lansing area for about 17 years and had virtually no connection with its community. Things just weren't clicking for me; I lived here, but it wasn't mine. I also noticed that it wasn't just me; I witnessed local friends, family, and business folks feeling disconnected and unimpressed.
April of that year, I decided to make a change. I googled and fumbled my way through creating a twitter account (the first 517 Living platform) and a website, embedded a front end submission event calendar app, and started a Facebook group to direct locals to the website. I then made it my mission to use those tools to connect the people of Greater Lansing (517) to the best events, activities, businesses, and organizations in the area.
That's the short version! The long version would include how the process of building 517 Living helped me (mostly) overcome my social anxiety, gave me a more purposeful life, and introduced me to the fascinating "behind the scenes" movers and shakers of our community who are much more "walk" than talk! 517 Living has enriched my life, and I hope it does the same for you.